Thursday 11 September 2014

The common mistakes in the gym

1.    Skipping warmup..... The most common mistake, no matter you are on weight training or cardio, start light and slow. Don't shock your body in a sudden as this might really cause bad injury

2.  Maintaining the right posture.... CHEST UP , CORE TIGHT !!We always mentioned this but how many that can really keep the entire RIGHT posture till the end of the workout. There are plenty of mirrors in the gym so keep attention to your posture during your workout all the time, it's not only for you to SELFIE

3.   Understanding the Correct technique of workout ...... Understand the movement of the muscle, Let go of your EGO , pick a lighter weight and control the form instead of swinging the weights up to finish your reps. You could get a better results if you do so.

4.  Dehydration  .....  We are losing water during our workout through SWEAT , so REHYDRATE  before , during and after workout is very important. As dehydration will cause bad performance ,  and we wouldn't want that to be happened. 

5.  No well planned program..... It's often to see people doing the same workout daily without any changes, we should train each of our body part accordingly for overall performance. Always plan your program so you will not be wasting your time in the gym and complain that no results is seen. 
Your plan could be just very simple, think of which body parts you are going to train with how many sets, reps or the sequence you want it to be done in advance this won't take much of your time

6.  Leaving the gym without cooling down.... Cool down allows your body to recover from the intense workout and stretching afterward would helps to lengthen the hard worked muscles. Spend at least 5 minutes to stretch after every workout day and you would see that performance will be better. 

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